These are not really in any order. The quality is not very good on the website, but its definitely very high quality printed. I edited all of these and some of them look lurry, but that's the website. It's because I did a softening effect on them. My email is You can email me about the pictures you're interested in and I will send you the price list! Enjoy!!! Here are the pics from Florida! Hope you guys love them.... Let me know if and what you want to order and I will e-mail you family pricing. Love you guys!
Ok. Here's the crazy part. These are some of my favorites of a wedding I did this last summer. It was so fun. My disclaimer is that I have only done one wedding. With that said, if you like my pictures, we can sit down and go over exactly what kind of pictures you want. I LOVE to try new things!! I would be a lot more affordable than almost anyone who does weddings!